Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nearly Throwing In The Towel

I'm a native of Minnesota, and you would think that I would have figured out Mother Nature's insanely creative know, the one where the snow begins to melt, you can feel the barest hint of Spring just there - over there - and you begin to think about putting away the caps, mittens, boots, heavy jackets  and all the other impendimenta related to winter and WHAM!

Bloody WHAM!

The skies grayed and became foreboding yesterday  with an overture of rain.  Then the symphony of snow began with heavy accents of wind, and eventually the cold of January paid us another visit.

Spring is ten days away, and it might just as well be 2.5 light years.  With the bad news swirling around our heads since last autumn, I'm surprised that more of us haven't found ourselves a cave.

Well, maybe we have - that is, if you believe that watching television has a cave equivalency value.

I do feel better now that I have all that off my chest.  Time to take the scotty for her walk, and when that's done, I think a wee celebration with something Scottish to end the day....probably a single malt, my most favorite of all "lifesavers."

Slainte, Skol, or Prost.  Here's to those of us still trying to fight the good fight!

Oh, sweet Spring, we all hope for your approach sooner than ever....

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